Joe Potts’ gear
The October soundShoppe hosted a small but intense ensemble. Evan Surak (Laconic Chamber) showed up with one of those great little MiniBrute synthesizers I keep lusting after, plus Moogerfooger pedals, a Eurorack modular synth, and the Animoog soft-synth. Jack (Dominique Pratt) had a Moog and a guitar and the two of them really drove the session. Don Lewis (Small Drone Orchestra) abused his bass and guitar with various techniques and objects, and generally freaked out on trumpet and vocals (with a screwed up mic.)
I mostly tortured myself. I was determined to only play Kaossilator through this Line 6 filter. It was a learning experience, but I got bored after struggling for fifteen minutes to find a groove. However, I forced myself to stick with it. I don’t think I added much to the jam (sorry comrades), but like I keep on saying, soundShoppe is a learning situation. I think it paid off for me in that I realized that I need to add more levels of processing to get the sound I want. A lose/win situation?
In November, Wild Don Lewis will be the soundShoppe guest host. Don is always looking for ways to boldly go (etc. etc.) and maybe he will decide to roll out one of his ideas at the session. SoundShoppe skips December, so November is your last chance to get noisy with us in 2014. Come on down!