5.5 Questions for Dan Clucas

1. What led you to the work you’re making now?

Most of my work is still rooted in improvisation from a group perspective using conventional group settings (i.e. “jazz” instrumentation) but I have always been interested in spatial performance, ever since attending the Los Angeles premiere of Boulez’ Répons in 1985. So this is a great opportunity for me to investigate that part of my musical psyche, and hopefully it will lead to more.

2. What…

Office Playlist 05-09-16 (TOMITA EDITION)

Today in the office, we were listening to the work of electronic music pioneer Isao Tomita, who passed away last week at the age of 84. Some of his best albums aren’t freely available online (Pictures at an Exhibition or Firebird, for example), but there is more than enough out there to explore!

Tomita – Snowflakes are Dancing Tomita – The Ravel Album Electric Samurai – Switched On Rock Tomita – Catastrophy 1999 Tomita (with Kodo and Kusillaqta)Nasca Fantasy TomitaThe Bermuda Triangle Tomita – The…

Office Playlist (05-02-16)

Here’s what’s playing in the SASSAS office this week!

Juliana Barwick – Will Anonymous 4The Origin Of Fire (Hildegard von Bingen) Kevin DrummTannenbaum Miles DavisParis, Salle Pleyel (1969) Zs – Live @ Jazzhouse, Copenhagen (13th of October, 2014)

Links to online media are below.

Juliana Barwick – Will

Anonymous 4The Origin Of Fire (Hildegard von Bingen)


Kevin DrummTannenbaum

Miles DavisParis, Salle Pleyel (1969)


5.5 Questions for Bobb Bruno

1. What led you to the work you’re making now?

Just a love for synthesizers, drum machines, and non-traditional forms of electronic music.

2. What was your very first gig?

My first solo gig was at the original The Smell location in North Hollywood, late Nineties i believe. I recreated my bedroom and played in my pajamas. Instrumentation was chord organ, Yamaha SU-10 sampler, vocals.

3. What are you listening to these days?

Let’s Eat Grandma, The new Bixio/Frizzi/Tempera Magnetic Systems compilation Lp, Oiler,…

Office Playlist (04-11-16)

Today in the SASSAS office, we went on a retro-futurist adventure into the space lounges of futures past! We skipped some of the obvious, brighter stars, in search of other asterisms.

Walter Schumann: Exploring the Unknown Paul Tanner / Andre Montero And His Orchestra: Music For Heavenly Bodies Frank Comstock: Music From Outer Space George Russell: Jazz in the Space Age Lonne Liston Smith: Astral Traveling Russ Garcia:…

The Potts Report: April 2016

Joe Potts (SOUND WITHIN THE CONTEXT) soundShoppe

“Pushing through the market square, So many mothers sighing News had just come over, We had five years left to cry in

News guy wept and told us, Earth was really dying Cried so much his face was wet, Then I knew he was not lying”-David Bowie 1971

April 22 is Earth Day. I remember the first one. I was in High School. We formed an organization that sold books like Paul Ehrlich’s and Rachel Carson’s. I drew a poster with the…

Office Playlist 04-04-16

Here’s what’s we’re listening to in the SASSAS office today!

Superior Viaduct: SV mix-tape TALsounds: Live Spool’s Out Session, March 2016 tholl / fogel / hoff // CONDITIONAL TENSION Cara Stacey: Things That Grow Gamelan Pacifica: Trance Gong Arnold Dreyblatt: Boiler Room x St John’s LIVE Set

Links to online media are below.

Superior Viaduct: SV mix-tape

TALsounds: Live Spool’s Out Session, March 2016

tholl / fogel / hoff // CONDITIONAL TENSION


Office Playlist 03-28-16

Here’s some of what’s playing in the SASSAS office today!

Joe Pass & Ella Fitzgerald: Duets in Hannover 1975 Sun Ra: Supersonic Jazz Magma: Mëkanïk Dëstruktïẁ Kömmandöh Frosty – Celsius Drop (03.24.16) on dublab.com Ostinato Records: Mélange Afrophonia 1968 – 1980 Volcanic Tongue: Neil’s Picks: Unreleased Richard Youngs 1979-2011

Links to online media are below.

Joe Pass and Ella Fitzgerald: Duets in Hannover 1975

Sun Ra: Supersonic Jazz


Magma: Mëkanïk Dëstruktïẁ Kömmandöh


Frosty – Celsius Drop…

Office Playlist (03-21-16)

Here’s some of what’s playing in the SASSAS office today!

Strategy: Information Pollution Michael Mizrahi: Currents (Q2 Music Album of the Week) V/A: The Roots Of Chicha – Psychedelic Cumbias From Peru BBC Radiophonic Workshop: Out Of This World Sonic Boom: Spectrum Rats: Rats Collage: Käokiri Aphex Twin: Peel Session 1992 / Live From Sheffield Hallam University 1993

Links to online media are below.

Strategy: Information Pollution

Michael Mizrahi: Currents

Office Playlist (03-15-16)

Here’s some of what we’re listening to in the SASSAS office today!

Amon Düül II: Yeti Christine Tavolacci: Ryoanji Thelonious Monk: Thelonious Alone in San Francisco Iggy Pop: Post-Pop Depression Anenon: Petrol Mark Maxwell: Sankofa Sound System (03.08.16 on Dublab)

Links to online media are below.

Amon Düül II: Yeti

Christine Tavolacci: Ryoanji

Ryoanji by Christine Tavolacci with Bonnie Whiting

Thelonious Monk: Thelonious Alone in San Francisco

Iggy Pop: Post-Pop Depression