soundShoppe gear
Another great soundShoppe thanks to Case Hudson, Max Zimmerman and Christopher Walker. It was pretty electronic. Case had a really nice compact array of circuit bent and off the shelf stuff including an elegant and mysterious wooden box and Christopher was playing some mini Korg boxes. Max had a guitar and a few pedals but had no problem trading interesting sounds with the two other great improvisers. Funny, the ensemble was minimal as far as equipment but fully packed with sound ideas. Maybe they are right about that whole less-more deal.
Corazon del Sol and her entourage came by and listened for a while. I was wishing they would have brought some stuff to play. Visitors are welcome, but I always feel like the best way to listen to a soundShoppe is while you are playing. It is a different kind of listening when you are participating in the mix, deep listening?
The Center for the Arts Eagle Rock space has unique sound qualities and it is really another participant. In the past, some soundShoppers have used its sonic qualities for specific effects by positioning themselves in alcoves or hallways. Because this soundShoppe was a little quieter than usual, we were really able to work the sound around the room. You know what they say about spaceā¦it is the final frontier.