The Potts Report: April 2016


“Pushing through the market square, So many mothers sighing News had just come over, We had five years left to cry in

News guy wept and told us, Earth was really dying Cried so much his face was wet, Then I knew he was not lying” -David Bowie 1971

April 22 is Earth Day. I remember the first one. I was in High School. We formed an organization that sold books like Paul Ehrlich’s…

The Potts Report: November 2014

Don Lewis (photo by Cindy Bernard)

November’s soundShoppe was hosted by musician and photographer Wild Don Lewis, who was also kind enough to write this month’s Potts Report.


Sometimes I play with the music, and sometimes I go against it. Sometimes going against it brings the overall sound to a whole new level, an unexpected area that can be quite exciting.

It seems that nothing can go wrong. I can throw anything into the mix, and it will…

The Potts Report: September 2014

Jeff Boynton at soundShoppe (photo by Joe Potts)

First things first, to all the soundShoppers and sound. followers who reached out to pull SASSAS from the financial abyss this summer let me say, you had our back and now you have our undying gratitude.

September soundShoppe was outstanding, with lots of “boys with toys.” There seemed to be a duo thing happening this month. From The Mercury Seven there was Ken Lee and Christopher Echols. Ken had an array of instruments including a Pigtronix…

The Potts Report: June 2014

Joe Potts

Occasionally I am approached by someone who is interested in attending soundShoppe but is worried because they don’t have much experience playing experimental music with others. My answer is always, “that’s what soundShoppe is for!”

I like to try to bring equipment that I am not familiar with so that I can figure out how to integrate it into sound performances. In the past at soundShoppe musicians have played an incredible array of instruments including shooting…