- Venus from Interstellar Space Revisited, based on Interstellar Space (John Coltrane, 1967), played by Gregg Bendian and Nels Cline (sound. at the Schindler House, September, 2002, 16:26)
- Excerpt from Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano; Fourth Interlude, Sonata XIII, XV, and XVI (John Cage, 1946-48), played by James Tenney (sound. at the Schindler House, June, 2002, 12:09)
- Ergodos II With Percussion Responses for John Cage (James Tenney, 1964), played by William Winant (sound. at the Schindler House, June, 2001, 18:43)
- 4’33” (John Cage, 1952), played by James Tenney (sound. at the Schindler House, June, 2002, 4:36)
- Excerpt from Guelaguetza (Carl Stone, 1996, rev 2000), played by Carl Stone (sound. at the Schindler House, August, 2002, excerpt 4:13)
- Cat Nest (Polar Goldie Cats, 2003) played by the Polar Goldie Cats (sound. at the Schindler House, July, 2003, 5:15)
- Gending Aptos (Kraig Grady, 1999) played by Sara Schoenbeck, Erin Barnes, Kraig Grady, and Dave Shaffer (sound. at the Sacred Grounds, May, 1999, 7:03)