Due to the limitations of early video streaming, many sound. concerts produced prior to 2007 are only available as fragments in the online SASSAS Archives. Help SASSAS transfer these early videos from mini-DV and add the complete concerts by Glenn Branca, Kelan Phil Cohran, Joseph Jarman, Pauline Oliveros, Rod Poole and James Tenney to the Archives. For a contribution of $500, Executive Producers will receive a solo “Executive Producer” credit on the video they are producing and credit in caption texts on our website and YouTube page. Executive Producers will also be thanked in the printed program for sound. at the Schindler House: 20 HRS / 20 YRS, a multi-room video installation featuring selections from The SASSAS Archives taking place on September 28 and 29.
Shared credit is available for a $250 contribution which includes an Executive Producer credit on our website, YouTube page, and special thanks in the printed program for the Schindler House show.
The videos that are being produced go deep into SASSAS’s past, featuring memorable performances by groundbreaking artists, many of whom have since passed. Which one do you want to produce?

Joseph Hammer, Rod Poole and Doug Williford, playing work by Rod Poole as Voice of the Bowed Guitar, sound. at the Schindler House, June 17, 2000 (Photo: Cindy Bernard)
sound. at the Schindler House:
Voice of the Bowed Guitar and Kraig Grady (2000)

William Winant playing Ergodos II by James Tenney, sound. at the Schindler House, June 30, 2001 (Photo: Cindy Bernard)
sound. at the Schindler House:
James Tenney Solo Percussion and Electroacoustical Work (2001)

Pauline Oliveros, sound. at the Schindler House, July 28, 2001 (Video still: Sam Durant)
sound. at the Schindler House:
Pauline Oliveros and Philip Gelb (2001)

Glenn Branca, sound. at Patriotic Hall, September 29, 2001 (Photo: James Welling)
sound. at Patriotic Hall:
Glenn Branca (2001)

Joseph Jarman, sound. at the Schindler House, September 19, 2003 (photo by Cindy Bernard)
sound. at the Schindler House:
Joseph Jarman (solo) (2003)

Joseph Jarman, Henry Grimes and Alex Cline, sound. at the Schindler House, September 20, 2003 (photo by Cindy Bernard)
sound. at the Schindler House:
Joseph Jarman (w/Alex Cline and Henry Grimes) (2003)

Kelan Phil Cohran, sound. at the Schindler House, July 30, 2005 (Photo: Anita Pace)
sound. at the Schindler House:
Kelan Philip Cohran (2005)