SASSAS is no longer active. From 1999 – 2019, sound. and then SASSAS (Society for the Activation of Social Spaces through Art and Sound) produced and supported experimental music programming throughout greater Los Angeles. Its flagship concert series, sound., began three years prior to SASSAS incorporating as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and ran for 20 years. This website remains online as an archive of the sound. concert series, as well as other SASSAS projects such as soundShoppe and Welcome Inn Time Machine and celebrates the artists, venues, staff, donors and volunteers who helped make it all happen.

soundCds and SASSAS Records can be purchased at Happy Squid Records.

$75 Installment Plan

Support SASSAS at the $75 level in installments – subscribe for $15 per month for 6 months but receive the premiums now!

  • a choice of soundCd no. 1, soundCd no. 2, or soundCD no. 3, a limited run CDR featuring excerpts from sound. 2007 and 2008  (while supplies last, premiums will be confirmed via email)
  • FREE admission to AD HOC events
  • Discounts on admission* to sound. concerts
  • One discounted ticket to our annual Blast! fundraiser
  • advance notice of sound. concerts and other SASSAS events
  • more appreciation