soundShoppe, August 10, 2014 (photo by Cindy Bernard)

soundShoppe is a FREE, monthly, unstructured sound workshop/noise jam for experimental musicians and sound artists presented by SASSAS and Center for the Arts Eagle Rock. All are welcome to join–from experienced musicians to novices. The ongoing sessions are led by Joe Potts, founding member of LAFMS (Los Angeles Free Music Society).

Registration is optional, but we appreciate knowing how many people to expect.  Please select the “Get Tickets” button below to register.

Sunday, March 13, 2016 1pm 4pm Performance
Center for the Arts Eagle Rock 2225 Colorado Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90041


We will provide tables and chairs. Bring your own audio cables, power cords, multiple boxes, and amplification. There will be a small PA.

Interested in soundShoppeRead the Potts Report!

Most of the sound performers playing live now have never played together. The ones who have improvised together have done so only within the limited context of a specific performance.

soundShoppe offers a means by which sound artists can hangout on a regular basis and informally explore their medium together. soundShoppe offers experienced sound musicians an opportunity experiment with different instrumentations and approaches and play outside of their comfort zone. soundShoppe also presents the opportunity for novice sound artists to interact with more experienced ones.