Kids Play Fluxus is an educational program that introduces middle and high school students to music from Fluxus, an influential movement in the 1960’s known for its multi-media and multi-disciplinary work. Produced by SASSAS in partnership with Renaissance Arts Academy and led by members of The Southland Ensemble. This is the third iteration of the series, following Kids Play Cage (2013), focused on pioneering composer John Cage, and Kids Play Oliveros (2014), focused on experimental musician and composer Pauline Oliveros.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Thursday, September 17, 2015 6pm Performance
Renaissance Arts Academy 1800 Colorado Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90041


Workshop I

  • Tuesday, September 15th
  • 2:30-5:30
  • orientation and workshop
Workshop II
  • Wednesday, September 16th
  • 3:30-5:30
Workshop III/Concert
  • Thursday, September 17th
  • 3:30pm-4:45
    Dress Rehearsal-5-5:45
  • 6pm Concert

Led by Members of the Southland Ensemble:
Jennifer Bewerse

Jennifer Bewerse

Jennifer Bewerse is a cellist specializing in contemporary classical music. As a result, she has premiered over 50 works and has had the privilege to work with composers including Augusta Read Thomas, Christian Wolff, Chinary Ung, Patricia Alessandrini, Chaya Czernowin, Gunther Schuller, and Jonathan Harvey. Jennifer has performed at the Equilibrium Concert Series, REDCAT, the Center for New Music, as a guest Teaching Artist for the Music from Salem: Cello Seminar, the Banff Centre Chamber Music Residency, as a guest soloist for the Robert Helps Festival and International Composition Competition and the Without Walls Festival, as a guest performer and presenter for the inaugural New Music Gathering, and was the 2010 Performance Prizewinner at the soundSCAPE festival in Italy. She is a recipient of the Myrna Loy Center Grants to Artists Award, a University of California Institute for Research in the Arts Grant, and a New Music USA Project Grant. A native of Florida, Jennifer received her Bachelors’ from the University of South Florida, her Masters’ from The Boston Conservatory, and is currently, she is pursuing her Doctorate in Contemporary Performance at the University of California in San Diego.

Orin Hildestad

Orin Hildestad

Orin Hildestad is a Los Angeles-based violinist, active in the fields of new, contemporary, experimental, and classical music.  He specializes in the interpretation of modern scores and microtonal works.  Hildestad performs regularly as both a soloist and chamber musician.  He has commissioned and performed a number of works by both established and emerging composers and has worked closely with a range of artists including James Tenney, Michael Pisaro, Mark So, Tashi Wada, Michael Winter, Caroline Chen and many others.  Hildestad holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree from the California Institute of the Arts, and is currently working on his dissertation for his Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of California, San Diego.

Cassia Streb

Cassia Streb

Cassia Streb is a Los Angeles-based violist, improviser and composer. She is active in the field of contemporary and experimental music, performs regularly as a soloist and a chamber musician, and collaborates with a variety of artists from many disciplines. She performs with the Vinny Golia Large Ensemble, the California EAR Unit, Wadada Leo Smith’s Silver Orchestra and Guthrie & Streb. Cassia is also sought after as a soloist, particularly for her interpretation of modern scores and microtonal works, and she collaborates with many artists from the fields of electronic music, western classical instruments and composes for theatre, dance and film. She has commissioned and performed a number of works by both established and emerging composers and she has worked closely with a range of artists including Christian Wolff, James Tenney, Michael Pisaro Jurg Frey, John Zorn, Morton Subotnik, Mark Trayle, Radu Malfatti and many others. Cassia holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Victoria and a Masters’ degree from the California Institute of the Arts.

This event was sponsored in part by the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.